This is a monthly podcast about Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere where hosts, Cheyenne, Alfonsina, and Ilana talk about the books, give some guidance to first time readers of the series, and provide some discussion for longtime fans.
Meet Your Hosts

Alf is a chemist and doctoral student from Argentina. She is the resident science nerd of the podcast, and her favorite hobbies are reading fantasy and science fiction and playing D&D. She is known as a spoilerspren because of her tendency to enjoy and actively pursue spoilers. You can find her on Instagram at alfspoilerspren

Cheyenne is a Literature student from Colombia, an aspiring author, and a fantasy fan. She enjoys taking her favorite fantasy books and trying to understand how and why authors made the choices they did. You can find her on Instagram at cheyenne_sedai and occasionally catch her on Shardcast.